Build with Rustic Homes

Premium wooden house construction is an art and one of our greatest passions. As the company that pioneered the design and construction of timber houses in our country, Rustic Homes is firmly established as the leading player. Get in touch with one of our consultants to discuss your beautiful new Timber Home.

Wood design and decor

The interior design of a Rustic Home is all about the high quality finishes we use. Windows should frame the views they look over and yet be durable. Timber windows in luxury wooden homes are often chosen for their aesthetic appeal, while we recommend aluminium windows and doors in harsh coastal conditions and high wind-driven rain areas.

The staircases in our wooden homes are often more than just a means of getting from one floor to the next. By selecting a special timber or interesting railings, the staircase can be the focus of a room. A well fenestrated stairwell can be a feature of your home.

Feature fire places are also key to a well designed Cape home. The most cost effective are wood burning, freestanding with closing doors. We use stainless steel flues with a heat shield and double flues through floors and roofs.

The interior design of a Rustic Home is all about the high quality finishes we use.
Rustic Homes promotes the use of local timber.

The truth about timber

As a modern building material, wood offers exceptional possibilities. Its potential for engineering and infinite shapes is limitless and it shows additional benefits as one of the most environmentally sustainable building materials in the world… as long as the wood comes from an FSC approved source and not a tropical rainforest on the equator.

At Rustic Homes we promote the use of local timber, specifically the Pinus radiata, a superior Californian pine tree grown in and around the towns of Elgin and Grabouw in the Western Cape. This wood, in its treated form, is very good for the structural elements of timber homes.


Green Building and Sustainable Architecture

Rustic Homes is all about sustainability. We are careful of our footprint in all respects from carbon to the direct impact we have on the often natural landscapes we build in. Because the bulk of the timber structure is put together in our factory in Grabouw, the impact we have on site is minimised. Our houses are well insulated reducing the need for both air-conditioning and heating. We have installed many solar electrical systems and ensure that the panel installation is neat and inconspicuous.

Rustic Homes - Green Building and Sustainable Architecture

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South African Forestry's Exit Strategy

The Forestry Exit Strategy, that used to rule the management of Grabouw’s plantations was reversed in May 2015. Unfortunately much felling had already been implemented and so the areas had passed the point of sustainable plantations. There was also a big fire in early 2016 in the area and a lot of the young pines couldn’t be saved. They clear felled all the regrowth and are planting 400 000 young Pinus Eliottii hybrids which have been bred to be non invasive. Forestry in these Vecon (replanted) areas will be community based. In Grabouw a Park of Unity (along the lines of the Eden Project in Britain) has been proposed where mentorship of community co-ops and trials of alternative species will be undertaken. It is hoped that this project will not only put South Africa back at the forefront of plantation forestry worldwide but will also ,like the Eden Project, highlight sustainability.

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South African Forestry's Exit Strategy

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